The Cultural Broker is a bespoke team of diverse specialists

brought together by Louisa Grasso, tailored to suit each client’s needs.

"My objective has always been to enable my clients to gain a clearer understanding of how to reach, influence & engage a wider audience and achieve the success they are looking for..."

— Louisa Grasso

A wealth of experience.

Over the past three decades, Louisa has created an unparalleled international network to support whatever project she and her team are involved in. 

Applying the experiences and networks of Louisa's eclectic career across the fields of Music and Entertainment, the Arts and Media, we look at the bigger picture and fill in gaps with creative and opportunistic solutions, through perseverance and experimentation.

The Cultural Broker manages our own in-house projects, as well as our expertise and network in support of our clients’ objectives in whatever way is required to get the job done.

What our collaborators have to say about us